Allure of the seas

Cruise ship accommodation

The MS Allure of the Seas offers five types of accommodation and includes 37 categories of rooms and suites.

Loft suites are spread across 2,000ft² and feature spacious living areas, double-height ceilings, balconies, and floor-to-ceiling windows offering sea views.

The bathrooms are fitted with rain shower heads, natural stone and glass tile accents. There are three types of loft suite.

Along with three types of loft suite, royal; presidential; owner; grand; and junior suites are also on board, with each type offering different features, interior designs and views.

The ship’s other accommodation includes balcony staterooms such as Central Park balcony, Boardwalk balcony and standard staterooms. The ship also offers staterooms with views of the Central Park, Boardwalk and Promenade neighbourhoods.

Facilities on-board the MS Allure of the Seas

MS Allure of the Seas has the same facilities as Oasis of the Seas. The ship has seven neighbourhoods along with an aquatheatre, spa and fitness facilities, a pool and sports zone, an entertainment area and a youth zone.

The landscaped Central Park neighbourhood on deck eight features a themed garden with tropical foliage and on-site horticulturalist. It includes Giovanni’s Table restaurant, Vintages wine bar, Park Cafe gourmet market, Parkside Gallery boutique shopping area and a portrait studio.

Deck four includes Royal Promenade’s mezzanine level and promenade bridge. Guests can visit jewellery shops and dine at restaurants and bars. The promenade features Rising Tide, a bar that moves slowly up and down between three decks.

A pool and sports zone are located on deck 16. The deck includes four pools for all ages, four bars and a lounge with whirlpools and a restaurant. The zone also features a sports deck with basketball and volleyball courts, two Flow Rider surf simulators, a miniature golf course and a zip-line.

Vitality at Sea Spa and Fitness Centre is located on decks five and six. The spa includes solo and couple massage suites, a thermal suite, a youth spa and a beauty salon. The fitness centre has a kinesis centre providing studio fitness and yoga classes. The centre has 158 cardio and resistance machines, as well as the largest jogging track at sea.

On-board entertainment

Boardwalk on deck six features a carousel, two rock climbing walls and an aquatheatre, has along with six restaurants, Joney Rockets and Boardwalk bars, and a variety of shops.

Deck two is home to Entertainment Place, which offers guests the chance to play at Casino Royale, watch shows at a 1,380-seat theatre and listen to live music in a jazz and blues lounge.

There are also ice shows at Studio B, family shows and comedy acts at Comedy Live and dancing at Blaze nightclub.

The ship’s Youth Zone is exclusively for kids and teens and offers Adventure Ocean youth programmes.

The Youth Zone has a toddler nursery, an open gym area for activities and games, a science lab for interactive science activities and a dedicated workshop space for craft. It also has a teen disco and teen lounge, a youth spa and a fitness centre.

Удовольствия и развлечения на борту

Чтобы отдых был наполнен самыми радужными эмоциями, Allure of the Seas предлагает немыслимое количество развлечений, причем многие пассажиры зачастую не успевают испробовать всё за время круиза. В общей сложности корабль располагает 21 бассейном: это основные бассейны, водные треки для катания, бассейны с симулятором волн для сёрфинга, бассейны с течением, аквапарк. Азартные гости попробуют поймать удачу за хвост в казино, любителей танцев ждут зажигательные дискотеки, а спа-центр подарит часы неземного блаженства. В распоряжении гостей Allure of the Seas имеются и другие развлечения: ледовый каток, площадки для волейбола и баскетбола, поле для гольфа, зал для боулинга, стенды для скалолазания, беговые дорожки, боксёрский ринг, фитнес-центр, теннисные корты. Но и это ещё не все! Французская карусель ручной работы, бесчисленные бутики, джаз-клуб, детские сады, гигантский тропический сад, крытый театр — чтобы побывать везде, любопытным персонам стоит выбрать маршрут подлиннее.

Лайнер Allure of the Seas — это ещё и земной рай для гурманов. На корабле работает несколько ресторанов с изысканным меню и первоклассным обслуживанием, каждый из ресторанов имеет свою специализацию. Большинство ресторанов украшают собой первые два этажа Королевского променада.

Facilities on-board the MS Allure of the Seas

MS Allure of the Seas has the same facilities as Oasis of the Seas. The ship has seven neighbourhoods along with an aquatheatre, spa and fitness facilities, a pool and sports zone, an entertainment area and a youth zone.

The landscaped Central Park neighbourhood on deck eight features a themed garden with tropical foliage and on-site horticulturalist. It includes Giovanni’s Table restaurant, Vintages wine bar, Park Cafe gourmet market, Parkside Gallery boutique shopping area and a portrait studio.

Deck four includes Royal Promenade’s mezzanine level and promenade bridge. Guests can visit jewellery shops and dine at restaurants and bars. The promenade features Rising Tide, a bar that moves slowly up and down between three decks.

A pool and sports zone are located on deck 16. The deck includes four pools for all ages, four bars and a lounge with whirlpools and a restaurant. The zone also features a sports deck with basketball and volleyball courts, two Flow Rider surf simulators, a miniature golf course and a zip-line.

Vitality at Sea Spa and Fitness Centre is located on decks five and six. The spa includes solo and couple massage suites, a thermal suite, a youth spa and a beauty salon. The fitness centre has a kinesis centre providing studio fitness and yoga classes. The centre has 158 cardio and resistance machines, as well as the largest jogging track at sea.

Royal Family Suite Stateroom

Вместимость(max): 8 чел.Площадь каюты 54 м²
Площадь балкона 22 м²Количество на лайнере: 4

  • две отдельные кровати, из которых можно сделать двуспальную
  • гардероб
  • туалетный столик
  • две откидных кровати
  • туалетный столик
  • ванная комната с душевой кабиной
  • просторная гостинная
  • диван-кровать
  • кондиционер с индивидуальным управлением
  • доступ в интернет
  • телефон прямого набора
  • рум-сервис 24 часа
  • консьерж-сервис
  • приоритетная регистрация
  • приоритетная доставка багажа
  • приоритетная высадка
  • приоритетная тендерная высадка
  • резервация мест на шоу
  • эксклюзивный лаунж
  • эксклюзивный ресторан для завтраков
  • эксклюзивный ресторан для обеда
  • плотные хлопковые халаты
  • vip-места у бассейна
  • заврак и ужин в отдельном ресторане на судах класса Voyager и Freedom
  • настольные игры, доступные на заказа в номер для развлечения детей
  • бесплатная глажка в официальный вечер

Design of the MS Allure of the Seas

MS Allure of the Seas spans 16 decks and accommodates 5,400 passengers in 2,704 double occupancy staterooms and loft suites. It includes the fleet’s new ‘neighbourhood’ concept of seven themed areas.

Decks six to 14 include staterooms and the top two decks house the loft suites. There are also five dining rooms and a concierge club, theatre, library and business centre. Each themed neighbourhood contains a variety of restaurants and bars.

The 12,000t ship is 1,181ft-long and has a height of 213ft above the waterline, with a maximum beam of 154ft. It is propelled by three electric azimuth thrusters of 20MW each and Wärtsilä diesel engines. The ship can travel at a cruising speed of 22k.

On-board entertainment

Boardwalk on deck six features a carousel, two rock climbing walls and an aquatheatre, has along with six restaurants, Joney Rockets and Boardwalk bars, and a variety of shops.

Deck two is home to Entertainment Place, which offers guests the chance to play at Casino Royale, watch shows at a 1,380-seat theatre and listen to live music in a jazz and blues lounge.

There are also ice shows at Studio B, family shows and comedy acts at Comedy Live and dancing at Blaze nightclub.

The ship’s Youth Zone is exclusively for kids and teens and offers Adventure Ocean youth programmes.

The Youth Zone has a toddler nursery, an open gym area for activities and games, a science lab for interactive science activities and a dedicated workshop space for craft. It also has a teen disco and teen lounge, a youth spa and a fitness centre.

Круизный лайнер Allure of the Seas в цифрах

Allure of the Seas — это не просто один из множества морских гигантов, это бороздящий водные просторы город. Корабль достигает 360 м в длину, его ширина — 64 м, высота — 65 м, а водоизмещение этой плавучей махины — почти 226 тыс. тонн.

Общая площадь лайнера превышает размер трёх футбольных полей. Судно состоит из 16 палуб и 2 704 кают, где с комфортом могут размещаться 5400 пассажиров и 2384 члена экипажа. Суммарная мощность шести дизельных установок Allure of the Seas составляет 132 тысячи лошадиных сил, благодаря такой невероятной моторной тяге корабль способен развивать скорость свыше 22 узлов.

Кстати сказать, лайнер Allure of the Seas одним из первых получил «Зеленую метку» в паспорте, которая означает высокую экологичность и минимальное загрязнение окружающей среды.

Design of the MS Allure of the Seas

MS Allure of the Seas spans 16 decks and accommodates 5,400 passengers in 2,704 double occupancy staterooms and loft suites. It includes the fleet’s new ‘neighbourhood’ concept of seven themed areas.

Decks six to 14 include staterooms and the top two decks house the loft suites. There are also five dining rooms and a concierge club, theatre, library and business centre. Each themed neighbourhood contains a variety of restaurants and bars.

The 12,000t ship is 1,181ft-long and has a height of 213ft above the waterline, with a maximum beam of 154ft. It is propelled by three electric azimuth thrusters of 20MW each and Wärtsilä diesel engines. The ship can travel at a cruising speed of 22k.

Cruise ship accommodation

The MS Allure of the Seas offers five types of accommodation and includes 37 categories of rooms and suites.

Loft suites are spread across 2,000ft² and feature spacious living areas, double-height ceilings, balconies, and floor-to-ceiling windows offering sea views.

The bathrooms are fitted with rain shower heads, natural stone and glass tile accents. There are three types of loft suite.

Along with three types of loft suite, royal; presidential; owner; grand; and junior suites are also on board, with each type offering different features, interior designs and views.

The ship’s other accommodation includes balcony staterooms such as Central Park balcony, Boardwalk balcony and standard staterooms. The ship also offers staterooms with views of the Central Park, Boardwalk and Promenade neighbourhoods.

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