Переезжаем в канаду через учебу


Какая минимальная сумма должна быть у кандидата

Затраты на обучение зависят от выбранной программы и колледжа. Средняя стоимость программы (50 недель) – 10 тыс. долларов. Например, в в Ванкувере стоимость программы в  2021 году по разным направления составляет, в долларах США:

В стоимость обучения следует включить расходы на регистрационный взнос – 200-350 $, учебные материалы – 700-1600 $, сдачу экзамена (на некоторых программах оплачивается отдельно) – 700-1 200 $.

Для получения студенческой визы необходимо доказать, что студент имеет достаточно средств не только на обучение, но и на пребывание в стране: минимум 917 $ в месяц – в Квебеке, 833 $ – в других провинциях.

Примерная стоимость в месяц на проживание в Канаде, в долларах США:

  • в студенческом общежитии – от 850;
  • в принимающей семье – от 920;
  • аренда квартиры – 700-1 500.

К дополнительным расходам можно отнести затраты на оформление медицинской страховки, получение визы, покупку авиабилетов. Медицинскую страховку можно приобрести в страховой компании на родине, воспользовавшись программой страхования выезжающих за рубеж, или в частной канадской страховой компании оформить полис для иностранцев (Visitors to Canada Medical Insurance).

Стоимость оформления визы – 150 долларов. Авиабилет следует покупать после получения визы, чтобы избежать штрафов и переплат.

Поступление в канадский вуз без сдачи IELTS

Более того, при самих колледжах можно найти языковые центры, которые дают возможность поступить в вуз без сдачи TOEFL или IELTS. Стоимость 2-месячного языкового курса составляет около 2800 CAD (канадских долларов) или 2200 USD (американских долларов).

После того, что вы подберете для себя подходящее учебное заведение, подайте заявку на выбранную программу и получите письмо-подтверждение от колледжа или университета в Канаде. Затем подайте заявление на получение визы временного резидента и заявку на разрешение на учебу. Вы можете сделать это онлайн или в визовом центре вашей страны. Наконец, пройдите медицинский осмотр в одном из специализированных центров.

После учебы в канадском вузе на протяжении 1-3 лет, вы получите сертификат или диплом канадского бакалавра, магистра, кандидата наук, который признается во всем мире. 

В Канаде есть три ступени послешкольного образования:

  • Бакалавриат: сертификат (1 год колледжа) или диплом (2–3 года колледжа) или степень бакалавра (3–4 года обучения в университете)
  • Высшее образование: степень магистра (от 1 до 3 лет в университете или от 1,5 до 2 лет в Квебеке)
  • Послевузовское образование: докторская степень (3 года и более в университете)

How to apply for a post-graduation work permit

You can apply for a post-graduation work permit (PGWP) from inside Canada or from another country, as long as you’re eligible.

You have up to 180 days to apply for a PGWP after you get your

  • degree or diploma
  • transcript or
  • official letter from your school

If your study permit will expire before you get your marks, you have 2 options. You can

  • apply for a visitor record to stay in Canada longer or
  • leave Canada and apply for your PGWP

If your study permit expires before you apply

If you don’t change your status to visitor and your study permit expires, you have up to 90 days after your study permit expires to apply for a PGWP and restore your status as a student.

To restore your status as a student, you must

  • apply online for your PGWP and pay the correct fee ($255) and
  • pay the fee to restore your status as a student ($350)

You can’t work until your study permit and work permit have been approved.

If you don’t apply within the 90 days, or if the 90 days have already passed, you must leave Canada.

I’m an International Student in Canada. Can I apply for Canadian permanent residence?

Yes. As an international student studying in Canada, you are considered a temporary resident. The Canadian government expects that you will leave Canada once you have completed your studies unless you apply for PR or a work permit. You can apply for PR through several programs including PNPs, Express Entry, or Family Sponsorship.

Can International Students in Canada Bring Their Children With Them?

Yes with the correct documentation. An applicant’s dependent children may accompany him or her to Canada. However, an application for a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) or Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) may be required for the accompanying dependent.

Can I Sponsor My Spouse as an International Student in Canada?

Yes with the correct Canadian visa. Your spouse or common-law partner may apply for a Work Permit if you are a full-time student at an authorised institution and have a Study Permit.

Can I Bring My Family With Me to Canada If I’m an International Student?

Yes with some limitations. One of the greatest benefits of studying in Canada is that you are eligible to bring your family with you during your studies. This includes your spouse or common-law partner and any dependent children you may have.

During this time, your spouse or common-law partner is eligible for an open work permit, allowing them to seek employment anywhere in the country in almost any field. Also, you children are allowed to study in Canadian primary or secondary schools without the need of study permit.

Is It Possible to Become a Canadian Citizen While I’m in Canada Studying?

Eventually, first you will need to apply for Canadian Permanent Residence. If you want to make Canada your permanent home, there are a number of ways to apply. In most cases, you will not need to leave Canada.

Do You Want to Be an International Student in Canada?

If so, Contact VisaPlace today. All our cases are handled by competent and experienced immigration professionals who are affiliated with VisaPlace. These professionals consist of lawyers, licensed paralegals and consultants who work for Niren and Associates an award winning immigration firm that adheres to the highest standards of client service.

Ready for the next step? Book your 1 on 1 consultation now or call us at 1-888-317-5770.

Have a Question related to your Immigration Needs?

Click here to fill out the FREE Immigration Assessment form below and get a response within 24 hours to see if you’re eligible.

The assessment form should take approximately 5-7 minutes to complete. We will get back to you within one business day to let you know if we are able to help.

Собеседование с работодателем

Для приема на работу понадобится резюме и сопроводительное письмо. В письме нужно доказать работодателю, что ему надо взять именно этого соискателя. Это похоже на рекламу. Надо в письменной форме описать свои положительные качества, навыки и умения. В резюме обязательно указывается опыт (если он есть), профессия, образования, личные данные.

Если нет желания самостоятельно заполнять бумаги, то это дело можно доверить специальной компании. Они помогают с оформлением и заполняют необходимые документы по всем правилам и нормам.

Соискатель на этом этапе может поинтересоваться условиями проживания. Job offer-ы адекватно реагируют на вопросы о жилье, отправляют фотографии. Большинство из них предоставляет жилплощадь, аренду которого потом вычтут из зарплаты. В среднем это получается 70–100 долларов в неделю.

Важно понимать, что на словах соискателя ждет комфортная квартира с 3–4 другими студентами. Только по прибытию станет ясно так ли это или нет

Поэтапный процесс оформления по программе Work and Travel

Особенности трудоустройства

Часто мигранты задумываются о работе только после переезда. Бытует мнение, что официантом или продавцом можно устроиться сразу. Но это не так. Такие вакансии занимают местные жители.  

Конечно, если потратить месяц или два, хорошо владеть иностранным языком, то найти работу в магазине или ресторане получится

В Канаде по одному звонку можно устроиться в сервисы по клинингу, на стройку и в отделочные бригады. Большое преимущество у опытных строителей. Они могут получать по $10000 в месяц даже без особых знаний языка. 

У мигранта для легальной работы должно быть разрешение одного из трех типов:

  • Обычное разрешение, по которому можно работать строго у одного работодателя в оговоренный заранее период времени. 
  • Открытое разрешение дает право искать работу после въезда в страну. 
  • Разрешение для выпускников канадских вузов позволяет трудиться в любой компании.

Кроме разрешения на руках должна быть виза временного резидента. В противном случае нарушителю грозит арест и депортация из страны. 


Some study programs include work experience as part of their curriculum. You can apply for a co-op or intern work permit if:

  • you have a valid study permit
  • work is required to complete your study program in Canada
  • you have a letter from your school that confirms all students in your program need to complete work placements to get their degree, and
  • your co-op placement or internship totals 50% or less of your study program

COVID-19 and co-op placements

During the COVID-19 outbreak, many international students are studying online from abroad. If your school and employer agree, you can either

  • accept a Canadian work placement and begin working remotely from your home country
  • work for a company in your home country

If you’re working remotely from outside Canada, you can work while we process your study permit and co-op work permit applications.

Scholarship value and duration

Funding for Study in Canada Scholarships is made available by Global Affairs Canada through its legal title: the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD).

The Canadian institution will receive funding from DFATD for all successful candidates in the form of a contribution agreement and will be responsible for providing the funds to scholarship recipients.

The scholarship value varies depending on the duration of studies:

  • CAD 10,200  for college, undergraduate or graduate students (Master’s and PhD) for a minimum of four months or one academic term of study or research; or
  • CAD 12,700 for graduate students (Master’s and PhD) for a period of five to six months of study or research.

In addition to the funds allocated to the recipients by DFATD, the Canadian host institution may also claim CAD 500 per scholarship recipient to assist with administrative costs once the scholarship recipient arrives in Canada.

Eligible expenses

Canadian institutions will disburse scholarship funds to the scholarship recipient to contribute to the following costs:

  • visa or study/work permit fees;
  • airfare, for the scholarship recipient only, to travel to Canada by the most direct and economical route and return airfare upon completion of the scholarship;
  • health insurance;
  • living expenses, such as accommodation, utilities and food;
  • ground public transportation, including a public transportation pass; and
  • books and supplies required for the recipient’s study or research, excluding computers and other equipment.

Payment procedure

Subject to the terms and conditions of the Contribution Agreement, funding will be disbursed by a cheque or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) issued to the Canadian institution upon receiving the following documents:

  • the Contribution Agreement signed by both the designated authority at the Canadian institution and the designated authority at DFATD; and
  • a Cash Flow Statement submitted by the Canadian institution to coincide with the arrival of the scholarship recipients in Canada.

Funds will be disbursed to the scholarship recipients according to the Canadian institution’s internal processes and in conformity with the Contribution Agreement concluded between DFATD and the Canadian institution. Canadian institutions will typically disburse funds to scholarship recipients in instalments.

The Canadian institution will retain proof of scholarship payments to the recipient(s) and other documents required as further outlined in the Contribution Agreement concluded between DFATD and the Canadian institution.

How to apply

How you apply for a co-op work permit depends on if you already applied for your study permit or not. Answer a few questions to get your instructions.

How applying online helps you

  • No courier fees or mail delivery time – we get your application instantly.
  • Your applications may be processed more quickly.
  • It helps you make sure your application is complete before you submit it.
  • You can quickly submit more documents online (if we ask you to).
  • You get updates on the status of your application directly in your online account.

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Apply online for your co-op work permit

In most cases, you must apply online for your co-op work permit.

To apply online, you’ll need:

  • a scanner or camera to create electronic copies of your documents, and
  • a valid or card.

Step 2: Read the instruction guide

Even if you apply online, you should read the instruction guide before you complete your application. The guide will explain how to complete each field on the form.

Step 3: Prepare your answers for the online tool

Before you can upload your forms, you must answer some questions. We use your answers to create a personalized document checklist for you.

Step 5: Create your online account or sign in

You need an account to apply online. You can use your account to:

  • pay your fees
  • submit your application
  • check your status

Create an account or sign in

If you can’t apply online

You can submit a paper application if either:

  • you can’t apply online because of a disability
  • there’s a problem with the online application

Start your co-op placement from outside Canada

If you’re studying online from outside of Canada because of the COVID-19 pandemic, you can still complete a co-op placement. You can start working even if your study permit and co-op work permit applications are still being processed.

If your school and employer agree, you can either

  • accept a Canadian work placement and begin working remotely from your home country or
  • work for a company in your home country

If you haven’t applied for a co-op work permit yet

You can’t submit a co-op work permit application separately from your study permit application if you’re applying from outside Canada.

If your study permit application is still being processed and you need a co-op work permit, you can use the web form to submit a new letter of acceptance that shows you’ve been accepted into a program with a mandatory work component.

If your study permit is already approved and you don’t have a co-op work permit to complete the mandatory work component of your program, you can still complete a co-op placement outside Canada. You cannot complete a co-op placement in Canada without a co-op work permit.

Who can’t work off campus

You can’t work off campus without a work permit if any of these situations apply to you:

  • your study permit says you aren’t authorized to work off campus while you study
  • you’re only enrolled in an English or French as a second language (ESL/FSL) program
  • you’re only taking general interest courses
  • you’re only taking courses required to be accepted into a full-time program
  • your situation changes and you no longer meet all of the requirements to work off campus

If any of these situations apply to you, and you want to work while studying in Canada, you need to apply for a work permit.

If your study situation changes

If you weren’t eligible to work off campus, but your study situation has now changed, you may be able to change the conditions of your study permit.

You can apply to change the conditions of your permit if:

  • you’ve changed your study program to one that may allow you to work off campus and 
  • your study permit says “This permit does not permit the holder to engage in off campus employment in Canada”


we included a condition on your study permit that may no longer apply

Example: You have a study permit to complete prerequisite courses, such as an ESL or FSL course. You’re then accepted into a full-time study program. This would mean you could apply to have the condition (not being allowed to work off campus) removed from your study permit.

You must apply to change the conditions of your study permit. There’s a fee to make this change. You must change the conditions on your permit before you can apply for a SIN.

Changing the conditions on your study permit

You’ll need to .

When you apply online, your personalized checklist will include the Application to Change Conditions, Extend my Stay or Remain in Canada as a Student . On that form, check the box to Apply for a study permit for the first time or extend my study permit and fill out the rest of the required fields.

Include a letter with your application explaining why you need the condition removed from your study permit.

Стоимость проживания в Канаде?

Цена аренды квартиры и дома зависит от выбранного для проживания города. В бюджет нужно заложить расходы на бензин или общественный транспорт, покупки еды и одежды, оплату электроэнергии, мобильной связи и т.п.

Для примера расчетов стоимости проживания возьмем Торонто. Это точка притяжения мигрантов и деловой центр страны. Он находится в провинции Онтарио. 

  • Аренда жилья в месяц обойдется от 2314 до 2966 CAD. 
  • Проезд на общественном транспорте обходится в 3,25 CAD. Можно купить проездной. Для студентов он стоит 122,45 CAD в месяц, а для взрослого – 151,15 CAD. 
  • Средние расходы на еду составляют примерно 250 CAD.
  • Мобильная связь – 75 CAD.
  • Интернет – 81 CAD.
  • Детский садик – до 1200 CAD.

Для сравнения, жизнь в городе Гамильтон стоит практически на четверть меньше. При этом он находится на озере Онтарио вблизи Ниагарского водопада. 

Cost to Study in Canada

Well, Canada has the world’s topmost universities. But there is nothing like “So the fees are on cloud nine”. It depends on which universities you apply to and for which courses. Also, varies on the basis of being an international student and a home student. Here are a few points to take note regarding the cost of studying in Canada

  • Ontario has the most expensive tuition fees. Students pay on average CA$ 8,454 per year here. 
  • Reports show that average tuition fees for the undergraduate programmes for international students in Canada are CA$25, 625 per annum. Here the engineering and medical sciences would be expensive as compared to the cheap courses. In Canada, pursuing an engineering degree takes an average of CA$28, 340 per annum.
  • Whereas the post-graduation fees are comparatively lower. It varies depending on the courses you take. But at an approximate sight, sources state CA$16, 252. However, the management studies in Canada are comparatively costly than the average fees. Especially when you choose the executive programmes for MBAs. It falls approximately at CA$ 50,000. 

Read More: Cost of Studying in Canada

Study in Canada from India

You can study in Canada after diploma in India. A study in Canada for Indian students will not be tweaking here. Because the students will find their favorable accommodations at affordable pricing if they are good at searching. Yes, patience does matter. There are some schools/institutes providing the student residence. Some may have dormitory provision with sharing option. It may have three to six students in sharing.

Canada is a modern and well-equipped country. You will meet a lot of new people and learn more things about the culture, people, and technologies. You will enjoy classy amenities, concerts, sports facilities and a widening scope for developing your knowledge out of the box. Canada also provides a facility for Olympic level sports.

Click here to get full information: Study in Canada for Indian students

Cost of graduate studies in Canada

Your graduate studies are a smart career investment. Canada’s master’s and PhD programs are recognized around the globe, and our relatively lower cost of living makes the opportunity even more appealing to international students like you. Even Canada’s larger cities are more affordable than many cities around the world.

Graduate tuition fees in Canada can vary depending on the program and location you choose. Try our search tool to find your graduate studies program and calculate what it will cost you:

To give you an idea of the costs, we tested our search tool on a number of master’s and PhD programs across Canada. We found that tuition can range from CAD 2,500 per year to approximately CAD 18,000 per year for a master’s degree program. A PhD might run you approximately CAD 2,500 to CAD 17,000 per year. Be sure to compare programs from different provinces and schools if you are on a budget. The tool will also give you the estimated costs for books and supplies.

Трудоустройство по программе Express Entry

Express Entry – это программа, которая направлена на сокращение сроков иммиграции для квалифицированных работников до 3 или 4 месяцев. Система действует с 2015 года.

Она заключается в наборе баллов, которые начисляются по определенным параметрам

  • образование;
  • опыт работы;
  • семейное положение;
  • умения и навыки;
  • способность к быстрой адаптации;
  • наличие родственников в Канаде;
  • знание иностранного языка.

Максимальное количество баллов – 1200. Например, приглашение от провинции дает сразу 600 баллов, а разрешение на работу – 50. Оценка производится согласно Comprehensive Ranking System. 

Pre-departure guide for international students Canada

To make things easier for every student preparing for the journey, we  to study in Canada, we have prepared a detailed checklist to help you. Find the list here:

  • Ensure that you have a non-expired passport. It should be valid for an additional six months after your course is completed.
  • Satisfy the conditions of your university. They might ask you to provide official transcripts, language exam scores etc.
  • Get a study visa for Canada. You should apply for a visa at least two months before the day you are planning to fly out to Canada.
  • Finalize and book a type of accommodation in Canada. Choose from living on-campus, rented room or apartment, or any other family stay.
  • Book your tickets to fly to Canada. You can arrange for the University to pick you from the airport if you have decided to live on campus.
  • Go through all the required medical examinations and take vaccinations. Check the entry requirements page of the Canada immigration website if it is required in your case or not.
  • Arrange travel insurance (optional)
  • Book a student mentor program in Canada. If you feel you will need a mentor to help you adjust to the new life, you can enrol for various student-mentor programs by the student council.
  • Read the preparation emails sent by the university to you. They will include study in Canada guide and checklists to help you prepare for the journey.
  • Plan your budget accordingly
  • Activate a student account on the university website.
  • Apply for an ID card. You may have to send the email to the admission department of the university with your Name, Student Number, as well as your photograph.
  • Research about the Fresher’s Week or Orientation program of events and sessions in Canada.

Get the instructions

Answer a few questions to get your instructions.

You need to enable Javascript to be able to use the tool.

Apply online from outside Canada

To apply online, you’ll need:

  • a scanner or camera to create electronic copies of your documents, and
  • a valid or card.

Step 2: Read the instruction guide

Even if you apply online, you should read the instruction guide before you complete your application. The guide will explain how to complete each field on the form.

Step 3: Prepare your answers for the online tool

Before you can upload your forms, you must answer some questions. We use your answers to create a personalized document checklist for you.

Step 4: Know the fees you have to pay

In most cases, your fees will include:

  • processing fees for you and anyone you include on your application
  • biometrics

We’ll ask you to pay your fees at the end of your application. Make sure you pay both the open work permit holder fee and the work permit fee.

Third-party fees

Depending on your situation, you may need to pay third parties for:

  • medical exams
  • police certificates
  • services at a Visa Application Centre, if you use one.

If you need to use any of these services, you’ll pay these fees directly to the third party.

Biometrics fee

In most cases, you should pay a biometrics fee when you submit your application. Otherwise you may experience delays. The biometrics fee covers the cost of collecting fingerprints and a digital photo. Find out if you need to give your biometrics.

Step 5: Create your online account or sign in

You need an account to apply online. You can use your account to:

  • pay your fees
  • submit your application
  • check your status

Create an account or sign in

Apply on paper from outside Canada

Step 1: Get the application package

The application package includes an instruction guide and all the forms you need.

Read the instruction guide before you complete your application. We won’t refund your application fee, so make sure you’re eligible for a PGWP before you apply.

Step 2: Complete your application and attach your documents

Make sure you include all the documents we ask for. Your application may be delayed if information or documents are missing. The document checklist in the application package lists all the documents to include.

Answer all questions carefully, completely and truthfully.

Third-party fees

Depending on your situation, you may need to pay third parties for:

  • medical exams
  • police certificates
  • language testing
  • services at a Visa Application Centre, if you use one.

If you need to use any of these services, you’ll pay these fees directly to the third party.

Step 3: Pay your applications fees

In most cases, your fees will include:

  • processing fees for you and anyone you include on your application
  • biometrics

You’ll need to pay your fees online before you submit your application. Make sure you pay both the open work permit holder fee and the work permit fee. To do this:

  1. Go to pay your fees online.
  2. Select Temporary Residence for a list of fee options.
  3. Select both the work permit fee and the open work permit holder fee.
  4. Follow the instructions to complete your payment. Save a copy of your receipt to your computer.
  5. Print and attach a copy of your receipt to your completed application.

Our can help you understand which fees apply to you and show you how to pay them.

Biometrics fee

In most cases, you should pay a biometrics fee when you pay your application fees. If you don’t, you may experience delays. The biometrics fee covers the cost of collecting fingerprints and a digital photo. Find out if you need to give your biometrics.

Submit your completed application to the address given in the application package. Make sure you include the fee receipt and all the necessary documents.

Apply online from inside Canada

To apply online, you’ll need:

  • a scanner or camera to create electronic copies of your documents, and
  • a valid or card.

Step 2: Read the instruction guide

Even if you apply online, you should read
the instruction guide before you complete your application. The guide will explain how to
complete each field on the form.

Step 3: Prepare your answers for the online tool

Before you can upload your forms, you must answer some questions. We use your answers to create a personalized
document checklist for you.

Step 4: Know the fees you have to pay

In most cases, your fees will include processing fees for you and anyone you include on your application.

We’ll ask you to pay your fees at the end of your application.

COVID-19: Changes to biometrics requirement for in-Canada temporary residence applicants

As a temporary measure, if you’re in Canada and applying to work, study or stay temporarily in Canada, you do not
need to give your biometrics. .

Step 5: Create your online account or sign in

You need an account to apply online. You can use your account to:

  • pay your fees
  • submit your application
  • check your status

Create an account or sign in

If you can’t apply online

You can submit a paper application if either:

  • you can’t apply online because of a disability
  • there’s a problem with the online

Каково вообще учиться в Канаде в почти 40 лет

Я уже говорил, что в Канаде много студентов. Причем за счет политики государства, многие из них взрослые иностранцы, которые переехали сюда с семьями. На моем курсе больше молодежи, но есть и люди постарше — моему однокласснику 47, есть студенты за 50. Студенты 40+ в Канаде — это норма, и косо на них никто не смотрит.

Для себя я заметил, что учиться в таком возрасте, конечно, непросто. Уже не схватываешь все на лету, иногда дольше запоминаешь и чуть медленнее соображаешь. С другой стороны, ты уже точно знаешь, что учишься не просто так, а выбрал профессию себе по душе. Это мотивирует и помогает заниматься более сосредоточенно.

Подробнее о жизни в Канаде — в инстаграме моей супруги.

Accommodation in Canada for international students

They offer amenities such as townhomes. However, it is great if you get the family/ host homes. They provide you with meals 3 times a day and can have a secure staying accommodation. You will surely experience home like the atmosphere there.There are also townhouses available in some cities and areas. Where they contain three to six bedrooms and you can simply opt for single rooms. Also, there are off-campus shared apartments.

Also, it depends where you live again. For example, If you choose to study at the University of Toronto and live in near St. George, it would be Costlier abodes. A room near St. George cost you approx. $625 whereas the same near University of Toronto, $530 to $540. Whereas for 1, 2 and 3 BHK apartments, an average of $1200, 1600 and 2000 approximately.

Terms and conditions

The following terms and conditions must be met during the period of the scholarship.

The Canadian post-secondary institution must:

  • be a Designated Learning Institution (DLI);
  • waive tuition and/or administrative fees for scholarship recipients, as selected students must be registered full-time and paying tuition to their home institution;
  • inform both the candidate and their home institution of any mandatory fees that, in exceptional cases, cannot be waived, prior to applying for a scholarship on the candidate’s behalf;
  • enter into an agreement with the recipient stating that:
    • funding for the scholarship is provided by the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD);
    • the recipient must provide the Canadian institution with records to account for major expenses such as travel and lodging; and
    • the recipient agrees to have their contact information shared with DFATD, for reasons such as: to be invited to join the Government of Canada Scholars’ Alumni Association (GCSAA), to attend events organized by the Canadian Embassy, High Commission or Canadian Trade Office in their home country/territory and by DFATD in Canada, or for promotional and statistical purposes; and
  • submit qualitative and quantitative reports during the scholarship period.

Scholarship recipients:

  • must engage in full-time studies or research as defined by the Canadian institution;
  • must be proficient in the language of instruction at the Canadian institution (English or French) before their arrival in Canada, as the scholarship does not cover language training. Language requirements are set by each Canadian institution;
  • may not hold any other scholarship granted by the Government of Canada;
  • carrying out a semester-based study exchange must arrive in Canada by September for the fall semester or by January for the winter semester;
  • conducting research must arrive in Canada for the uptake of their award between June 1, 2021 but no later than February 1, 2022. Failure to arrive during this time may result in the cancellation of the scholarship. In exceptional cases, and with prior approval from DFATD, the arrival deadline may be extended to March 1, 2022;
  • enrolled in pharmacy, medicine, dentistry or other health fields are excluded from clinical training or clinically-oriented research involving direct patient-care;
  • must ensure that they have appropriate health insurance for the full duration of the scholarship, as per the policies of the Canadian institution;
  • must focus primarily on full-time studies or research during their stay in Canada; and
  • are expected to return to their home institutions after the scholarship period in order to complete their studies.

Important information:

  • Applications at the college or undergraduate levels must be accompanied by a valid student exchange agreement between the Canadian institution and the candidate’s home institution. The agreement must state that tuition fees are waived for scholarship recipients. College or undergraduate applications for research traineeships or internships at Canadian institutions with no exchange agreements or MOUs with the candidates’ home institutions are also accepted. Such applications must be accompanied by a letter issued by the Canadian institution’s international office or equivalent, linking the application to a specific international research collaboration, naming the Canadian supervisor who has agreed to mentor the student during the scholarship period, and confirming that tuition fees, if any, will be waived for the recipient. Such a letter must be uploaded in lieu of an inter-institutional agreement. 
  • For graduate applications, an inter-institutional agreement is desirable but not mandatory. If there is no existing exchange agreement, graduate applications which involve a new or established collaboration between professors from a Canadian institution and the candidate’s home institution will be accepted.
  • Applications submitted directly by a candidate or their home institution will not be accepted.
  • Scholarships cannot be deferred and are not renewable.
  • Scholarships are not taxable for either the Canadian institution or the scholarship recipient.
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